Armchair Builder

New Home Schedule Resource

We’ve just finished the New Home Schedule resource.  This new product at the Armchair Builder ESTORE is perfect for anyone thinking of building a new home.  Whether you plan on building your own home as the owner builder or are going with a full service home building company, the New Home Schedule resource will help you understand how a quality home should be built.  Some of the questions we answer in this new tool are…

  • How long does it take to build an average size home?
  • When should my soils engineer come out to the job site?
  • Which mechanical trade should go into the home first and why?
  • What are the critical quality inspections and when do they occur?
  • How long does it take for a rough carpenter to frame a home?
  • Can you really dig a basement foundation in a day?
  • When are the typical inspections performed by the local building department?

New Home Schedule Introduction

The New Home Schedule resource will help you understand the flow of work from start to finish on your new home.  We’ve included the list version of our schedule along with a monthly view so the relationships are clear between each building activity.  Created from the experience of building hundreds of homes, the schedule is truly the best way to build the typical home.

Some of you have asked us for recommendations for scheduling your new home building project.  The truth is, the best, most user friendly scheduling tool is a simple spreadsheet.  There’s no need to spend a bunch of money on complicated programs that take time to learn.  If you take our new home schedule and make small adjustments to fit your particular project, you can place the building activities onto a spreadsheet (like Excel or something similar).  By placing the activities in list form in the order in which they occur, you will effectively communicate to your trades and suppliers when you want things to happen.

In this new resource, we discuss how the schedule should be used in your new home building project.  From communicating to your trades and suppliers, to preparing for your quality inspections, the New Home Schedule resource will give you the tools needed to make it happen.  Check out our new video below describing this great new tool available at the Armchair Builder ESTORE.

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