Armchair Builder

Video: Are You an Owner Builder Candidate?

We’ve had a few questions recently here at Armchair Builder about the types of people that are building their own home.  A few of our readers want to know who is taking on this challenging project.  So I thought we’d share with you some of the situations that make people good owner builder candidates.  If you don’t fall into one of these groups it doesn’t mean you can’t make it happen.  This is just my observations from the owner builder’s I’ve worked with or heard from through Armchair Builder.  Remember, if you want something bad enough, are willing to put the time and effort in, and know when to ask for help, you can achieve anything.

What’s your experience with people that have built their own home?  Did they have a construction background?  Or maybe they had a family connection to the industry?  Did they perform any of the physical labor themselves?  Let us know about it at  Have you watched our video discussing the potential savings for owner builders in today’s market?  We call it, Owner Builder Savings Today.

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