June 4th, 2020
Is it possible to build a house in 64 days? Absolutely. One of the great things about building a smaller home is the construction schedule moves along at warp speed. We recently finished up the Open Book Build project home and refined our schedule to 64 working days. After factoring in holidays, weekends, and a few delays for weather and subcontractor schedule conflicts, we still finished up the structure in 3.5 months. Here’s a quick video showing the steps for each building activity along with the duration for each. Do you know how long it takes to frame up the walls on a small home? How long does it take to dig out 600 cubic yards of dirt to accommodate the new basement foundation? Check out our newly released video How to Build a house in 64 Days to learn more.
Steps to Build a House in 64 Days
Want to learn more about the Open Book Build project? Visit openbookbuild.com.