Armchair Builder

New Resource: Lot Purchase Guide

We wanted to share with you our newest resource available at the Armchair Builder ESTORE.  We’ve had quite a few questions regarding lots and land and if you’ve read our blog lately, we’ve been trying to share our experience for finding the best properties for building homes.  So, we’ve taken all of our best tips and secrets and put them into one complete guide for reviewing potential properties.  The guide is designed to help you compare properties, determine the reoccurring costs to own the vacant land for those that won’t be building right away, and flush out all of the hidden costs.  This guide helps you to…

  • prevent foundation problems – building sites are not all the same…don’t buy one that will blow your budget or worse, cause major structural issues down the road
  • analyze house plan fit  – will your dream home plan fit on this lot?  Building setbacks, easements, and declaration restrictions can sometimes prevent you from building what you want
  • identify hidden costs to build – you need to know these prior to purchasing…things like impact fees, tap fees, fill material costs…etc.
  • determine zoning – can you build your dream home on this property?
  • analyze utilities – are they all there and if not, what can you do?
  • prevent drainage and water issues

We’ve also included a few bonus items with this guide…

1) Lot Holding Cost Worksheet – For those of you looking to buy the property and build in the future.  This worksheet helps you understand your costs to hold onto the lot prior to building.  Did you know some communities have fees for availability of sewer or water service?  These sometimes apply even if you haven’t built your home yet. How about insurance to cover your property?  Or maybe club dues?

2)  Lot Purchase Checklist – Helping you keep track of all of the important things to consider to make sure nothing is forgotten.

3)  Lot Purchase Cost Worksheet – As you look at different building lots and land, you will want to compare them.  The Lot Purchase Cost Worksheet helps define all of the costs needed to acquire and get the property ready to build.  Knowing this overall cost, will help you make an informed purchase decision.

We’ve packed years of building experience into this compact guide that will help you avoid surprises and get the best lot available.  And if you purchase this guide and decide in the future that you want the rest of the Armchair Builder products to help you build your home, just let us know and we will credit the price toward The Complete Armchair Builder Project Package.  To find out more about The Lot Purchase Guide, watch the video below.
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Michael Luckado has built, remodeled and repaired thousands of homes across the U.S.  He co-founded to help you save money and hassles on your building projects.

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