Launching Today, New Online Course for Building Your Own Home
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As of today, March 11, 2020, we are launching our new comprehensive, online course on how to build your own home while taking on the role of the general contractor. Over the past year, we have been creating the course while building the Open Book Build prototype home. This new home build served as our case study for the course and demonstrates how a professional builder purchases a lot and goes through the entire process of building a new home. So, we’ve recently finished up construction and have put the final lessons into the online course.
Who is this course for? This online course is for anyone thinking of building their own home. It’s also perfect for anyone looking to build the Open Book Build designer home as we’ve included specific quality checks and instruction for the Open Book Build house plan.
What topics are covered? We present in detail the complete home building process starting with lot selection. Topics including subcontractor hiring, budgeting, scheduling, as well as lessons on obtaining insurance and permits for the build.
Why is this course different? Launching today, this is the newest home building training available and includes the latest concepts and technology for building a home today. We’ve captured the details from the building of this home through daily video and photos taken on the job site. Students get a unique look at the process through the eyes of a professional builder including what quality checks to make on a daily basis throughout the build. The course also goes into the detailed daily tasks a builder tackles in order to finish a home on schedule and per budget. We call this new online training…The Open Book Build Course: How to Build Your Own Home.
Why take the course now? As part of the launch, we are offering the course at a significant discount. But we are only offering this special pricing for a limited time so if you have been thinking about building, and you want to learn more, check out the details at today.