Armchair Builder

CAT | Quality Check

When building a new home, it’s important to perform a thorough garage inspection both during construction and before closing to help prevent the spread of fires.  According to the U.S. Fire Administration, there were 6,600 garage fires in residential buildings from 2009 to 2011.  As a result of these fires, there were thirty deaths, 400 […]

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Defining quality in new homes can be difficult.  What may seem like a good practice by some, may be shoddy workmanship to the next person.  But the truth is, there is a minimum standard that should be met by contractors that goes beyond the building code.  Unfortunately, many people choose contractors without really asking what […]

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As a builder I’m frequently asked, What is the best way to prevent basement leaks?  It’s a great question when you consider the damage, cost, and hassles lower level water intrusion can create.  If you’re going to put time, effort and money into finishing our basement, shouldn’t you take all necessary steps to keep the […]

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Are you familiar with the important items to review for a septic system inspection?  Depending on the location of your new home, you may not have city sewer service.  If you have lived with municipal services your whole life, a septic installation can be foreign to you.  Most of us have heard the horror stories […]

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Midwest Tornadoes

I wanted to let our friends in Indiana and Illinois know we are thinking of them.  The tornadoes that hit the midwest this week are a reminder of just how powerful and unpredictable mother nature can be.  The tools meteorologists use to predict severe weather are getting more sophisticated each day.  In the case of […]

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My wife absolutely hates bugs of any kind.  I’m personally more concerned about drafts that are constantly trying to make their way through the exterior walls.  Whether you want to keep pests out or just want to keep your energy bills low, it’s important to do a thorough job sealing up the exterior walls in […]

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One question I’m often asked as a builder is…“What’s the proper setup for a quality foundation drainage system for a home?”  Whether you’re building a new home or repairing your existing place, there are a few key items that should be in place to prevent problems.  Things like stone placement, footing drain tile and filter […]

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Freezing temperatures add another layer of complexity and cost to your building projects.  In our last article, Cold Weather Construction Considerations, we discussed how building a home in the winter can really affect your budget.  For those of you who’ve decided to proceed in the cold anyway, we’ve put together some pro builder tips to […]

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Home defects can turn an otherwise exciting process into a nightmare for unsuspecting customers.  From warped roofing to squeaky floors, basic framing errors can lead to major frustration for homeowners. For those of you that are building a new home, we’ve created a simple checklist to help you verify the framing basics are completed correctly […]

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Here’s a reader question that came in to Armchair Builder last week… My wife and I bought our house back in 1996.  At that time there was an unfinished room above the garage.  HVAC and electrical were already in place.  With the help of a contractor friend of ours we finished the room (sheet rock, […]

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